Denison, TX: Semi brings down power in Denison on Wednesday, July 29th 2015

A car crash in Denison impacted hundreds today when a semi driver clipped several low lying power lines.As the truck drove on, the lines pulled at the pole snapping it in half. That's when hundreds of people and several businesses lost power.Lines draped from the back of a semi just minutes after it clothes lined a power pole Wednesday afternoon, leaving nearly 700 homes and businesses in the dark."From what I've heard we've lost power out here at all the airport. The neighborhoods surrounding the airport at 1417/691 in that area has all been affected," Grayson County Deputy Fire Marshal Kerry Price said.It happened about 3:00 p.m. on the corner of Refuge and Airport Road. The t-bar that usually sits at the top of the power pole had to safety be taken down by Encore. Loss of power also meant no a-c in triple digit weather.

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Semi brings down power in Denison

Denison, TX: Semi brings down power in Denison on Wednesday, July 29th 2015