Memphis, TN: 3 officers risk own lives to help driver trapped in burning car on Thursday, July 30th 2015

Two cars caught fire on Winchester Road near Kirby Road after a crash.It appears that one car caught fire after the crash; the fire then spread to the other car.According to police, three officers came to the rescue of the driver of one car, who was trapped inside their vehicle. They cut the seatbelt, pulling the driver to safety.The fire peeled the paint off the cars, even melting a traffic light overhead.Police said a woman and a child were taken to the hospital after the crash. One of those people was in critical condition after the crash, but both stabilized a few hours afterwards.

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3 officers risk own lives to help driver trapped in burning car

Memphis, TN: 3 officers risk own lives to help driver trapped in burning car on Thursday, July 30th 2015