Medford, OR : Car crashes into west Medford liquor store on Tuesday afternoon, April 19, 2016

A car crashed into the rear of a Medford liquor store Tuesday afternoon when the driver lost consciousness, but no one appeared to have been injured.
Karry Lara of Jacksonville said she was on her way home from work shortly before 4 p.m. with takeout in the car when she suddenly blacked out. She crashed her green Dodge Neon into the rear of West Main Spirits at 2386 W. Main St. The business is adjacent to Puck's Doughnuts near the Albertsons on Ross Lane. The crash ended with the car wedged between a store window and a tree.

"I don't really know what happened," Lara said. "All I remember is coming to when someone was at my window, and my car was destroyed, and there was Chinese food everywhere."
Lara said she has a history of spells that cause her to lose consciousness for about 30 seconds. She said the crash didn't snap her out of her spell. Both airbags in the late '90s Dodge sedan deployed, but she said she felt fine. Lara was alone in the car.
"That's the strangest part is I don't feel like anything really happened," Lara said.
Lara said she doesn't plan to drive again anytime soon.

"I don't want to put anyone else in danger," she said.
The crash cracked some windows in the rear of the business in the Jackson Creek Center and caused extensive damage to the front of the car. No one inside the business was injured.
Liquor agent Rachelle Woodward said the crash pushed some refrigerated soft drink cases but did not damage any merchandise.

"We don't even have a Coke bottle that broke," Woodward said. "I'm still in shock."
Woodward said two customers were in the store at the time of the crash. The vehicle hit windows that had been covered inside with drywall and insulation for the recently opened liquor store.

Woodward said it took a moment after the crash for her to figure out what had happened.
"I thought at first something was falling over in my office," Woodward said.

Source :
Car crashes into west Medford liquor store

Medford, OR : Car crashes into west Medford liquor store on Tuesday afternoon, April 19, 2016