Westwood, MA : Another crash at infamous Westwood bridge that for years caused problems for truck drivers on Friday, 14th December 2018

It happened again. An 18-wheel tractor-trailer slammed into the MBTA commuter rail bridge in Westwood Friday morning, generating delays on the Franklin Line after a speed reduction was ordered as a safety precaution, officials said.

The truck, which was hauling Hood dairy products, struck the bridge over East Street around 6 a.m., shredding the first third of the top of the truck, according to Todd Korchin, Westwood’s director of public works.

The East Street Railroad Bridge has for years been the bane of truck drivers who fail to notice its low height. The T, in November, replaced the old span and increased the height to about 12 feet but still cautioned drivers with a banner draped across the bridge with the words “low clearance.”


Westwood, MA : Another crash at infamous Westwood bridge that for years caused problems for truck drivers on Friday, 14th December 2018

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