HEALDSBURG, CA : Sonoma County driver injures several in multiple crashes on Tuesday, 20th September 2016

A series of crashes in the Sonoma County city of Healdsburg has injured as many as six people.

That according to Healdsburg police, a Geyserville, who was driving with his 2-month-old son as a passenger, crashed his pickup into three vehicles over the course of two blocks.

Seven people, including the baby, were taken to a nearby hospital for minor injuries. Police say the baby was fine.

Police say the driver was cited for driving with an open container but passed sobriety evaluations. A blood-alcohol test showed he was well under the legal limit of 0.08.

The crashes are under investigation. Reckless driving charges are being considered.

Source :
Sonoma County driver injures several in multiple crashes

HEALDSBURG, CA : Sonoma County driver injures several in multiple crashes on Tuesday, 20th September 2016

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